Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Recording a Kylie Song

A whole bunch of us are recording Kylie songs for a charity album- and a whole bunch of us are recording Can't Get You Out Of My Head.

I recorded Drawing Club (or some of them at least) doing backing vocals, but a lot of my other tricks and wheezes haven't worked, and the whole thing is taking a lot longer that I thought it would. It's four o'clock and I'm only just having lunch. It's home made roasted vegetable soup, and I looked at it and thought 'That looks a bit like cat sick', and now I don't want to eat it.

I know I'll get there, but I was feeling cocky about my skills and as my late McMother used to say, 'Pride comes before a fall'. Oh, the joys of Presbyterian parenting!. I've even dropped my precious microphone on the kitchen floor today, and spilt coffee all over my clean clothes. It's not even hot today, it's yesterday's heat hanging over. I think I'll have some crisps, read private eye for a bit, and then go back to it again.

1 comment:

Wilky of St Albans said...

one of my ambitions is to have a letter printed in PE. They seem hell bent on crushing my dreams...