Friday, April 08, 2022

Recording An Impossible Song

I have been trying to get it right. First of all it got too clogged up with backing vocals, and I started again from scratch. Then I thought up a really jammy bass line, and as soon as I played that on to the track the guitar part sounded out of time. It will one day sound lovely, but I think I'm going to have to start again yet again and build it up from the bass line, which has a super groove. Although a lot of what I'm doing feels like hard work (micro-editing guitar parts and so on), once I've had a few days away from it, I can hear that I've learned a lot about how to record the songs. I've abandoned the idea of working at them all simultaneously to keep a 'sound', because some of the songs just seemed to have completed themselves, whereas others have barely started and sound as though they will be difficult to get off the ground. But those ones seem like intriguing puzzles, rather than impossible tasks. 

I keep finding other songs, as well. I don't think albums should have too many songs on them, but I'll record too many so there are a few to choose from.

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