What a relief- Tom's back from New York and I can start recording again! Martin Stephenson will be playing on a couple of tracks on my next album, and I almost have enough new songs- in fact, I do, but I'm getting fussy about what's on it!
I visited the chewing gum painting of Suburban Pastoral this morning- it was still there on the pavement by the Courthouse in Normandy Avenue, glistening in the rain and looking beautiful. Barnet Council has ripped up all the paving stones in the High Street and replaced them and all the lovely little paintings have gone. Mike emailed to say that Ben was arrested, so I'll have to find out more about that and help if I can. What a silly thing to arrest someone for- it's art, not graffiti. he's a bit of a laid-back Banksy I suppose- it's not something that can be done guerilla-style with a spray can, it's a laborious process.
My little painting might stay there for a while- not many people have walked on it and I can't imagine them changing the pavement there. It's maturing nicely. Perhaps I should take a picture as it decays and put that on the cover of the next CD.
Talking of decay I'll upload the skeleton hoover later.
There's a house in Bedford Avenue that has been totally neglected for what must have been years- it has plants sprouting out of its windows, rotten frames, overgrown garden, letterbox stuffed with redundant leaflets, you name it. Someone spent all last week clearing it out, and there are things in the front garden including a couple of hoovers; the bag of one has completely rotted away to just a couple of threads, holding up al the solidified dust that had collected within it. Perfect.
Happy birthday Em!
Best illustrator in universe!
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