Friday, May 25, 2007

Hello Stranger

Well blog, haven't seen you for a couple of days; had a strange week in many ways but that's not the same as a boring one.
I have a gig at Vivaviva in Hornsey this Sunday 27th, which I'm doing with Paul Davey who will be playing clarinet- early morning rehearsal tomorrow morning to see if we can do any new songs. Paul the Girl will be there too, also playing new songs- she has decided to use the gig to try out new stuff and I thought it might be fun if we played on the same night. If you get there before 8 we will have cheap drink and food tickets to give away.
I'm going out for a walk this morning- there's a farmer's market a couple of miles away and I'm going there to get some tomatoes and to take advantage of the sun before it starts chucking it down.
I've had yeses from Tessa Pollitt and Gaye Advert to the Lost Women celebration- wow- two ace bass players under one roof- fantastic!

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