Friday, January 02, 2009

What I Bought Last Year: a Festival of Fibs

I bought a new hoover
When I went to Vancouver
I bought some old pants
When I went to France
I bought a blue biro
When I went to Cairo
I bought some maracas
When I went to Caracas
I bought a new loo
When I went to Peru
I bought a huge palace
When I went to Dallas
I bought an old fork
When I went to New York
I bought a silk turban
When I went to Durban
I bought a veranda
When I went to Uganda
I bought some ripe cheese
When I went to Belize
I transplanted a kidney
When I went to Sydney
I bought a pipe cleaner
From old Argentina
I bought me a phone
From Sierra Leone
I bought a bin liner
When I went to China
I bought a nice song
When I went to Hong Kong
I bought a red mac
When I went to Iraq
I bought a sauce pan
When I went to Iran
I bought a toy crane
When I travelled to Spain
I bought a new home
When passing through Rome
I bought some rank vermin
When I went to Dunfermiline
A box of pink tissues
When I went to Mauritius
I bought a fine pistol
When I went to Bristol
I bought something frilly
When I went to Chile
I bought a new clock-o
When I went to Morocco
I bought a guitar-a
When I went to the Sahara.

Hey-ho for my greed!
Now there's nothing I need.


Brother Tobias said...

This is fun! I especially like Dunfermline. Good work.

Suzanne Forster said...

This made me smile a while
From up here in Carlisle
