Sunday, March 10, 2019


The wind blew me across the road a few times yesterday- having a guitar on your back is a bit like having a sail, and you tend to get thrown around a bit by nature.
It's fun, actually, but don't tell anyone I said that.
Yesterday after interviewing a student for the MA that I lecture on, I headed on the train to what felt like the depths of Kent but was actually simply a suburb in a different direction from mine, earwigging lots of conversations that I didn't want to listen to particularly, to start finishing the album. I had a fiddle part from Simon Walker to put in there, and also played a bit of Melodica, which I haven't put on anything since the first solo album that I did.
And I sang.

I am not sure whether to write about Friday. I went to a funeral in Shropshire. 
I think not yet; but it was fantastic to know that a person who we had all known when we were young tearaways had been such an amazing husband and father. The weather was chilly and damp and forbidding, but the love in that chapel was incredibly heartwarming and sincere. I am so glad I went.

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