Wednesday, May 25, 2022


After a morning's work I met Lindy Morrison, who was inspecting the imposing red steam train, Robert, on its sad little bit of rail outside Stratford station. She was in good spirits and after a quick lunch in the Ukrainian café in the Stratford Centre we headed off to the University studios to put the drums on Things Like This. It was remarkably quick, and we also managed to record the drums on the instrumental that Gina and me did, and a drum solo just for fun. Lindy really enjoyed being behind the kit and Jono made a fabulous job of recording. It's now up to me to mix them into the track which I reckon will be a ten-dayer of a job, because I've never done it before. 

I also have three takes of the whole thing, and have to choose the best bits of each one to edit together; that means listening out for sound, feel, timing, velocity and style in each one. But this is such a new journey (hate that word).... experience, that it's really quite a thrill even though it's also utterly knackering.

I dreamt about lofts last night, and a chair upholstered in Laura Ashley fabric. 

This is obviously life's attempt to bring me down to earth but it won't work, life. Sorry.

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