Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Old Lady Cat has a hyperactive thyroid and had chemotherapy twice a day (that's me chucking poisonous pink tablets down her throat); she is now really ill, sitting in her basket looking glum and thin, and taking antibiotics too.
Meanwhile, Whippersnapper Man Cat ran away for two hours on a dark rainy night after opening the catflap by hooking it inwards with his paws. Out in the garden with ham and a torch, I could hear him fighting with the neighbourhood Tom and feared the worst. He returned with a fat bushed-up tail, excited by the conflict.
Meanwhile, Chuck Warner has been in touch from the U.S. about a 'South Coast' compilation.
Does anyone know where Dave MacDonald is? He'd like to get in touch with him or Pete Smith to ask for permission to use their Fan Club music on the CD.


Archivegirl said...

Sorry to hear about your lovely ill cat. I found it so difficult when our cat was unwell. Whippersnapper man cat seems a lovably handful :)


Helen McCookerybook said...

Thank you Archivegirl