Here's another drawing. I usually upload them and then realise they don't look finished and go back to the drawing board (quite liderally).
I've been clearing out the garden shed. There are masses of everything- about six used paint trays, lots of broken and rusty garden tools, two old fish tanks, loads and loads of half-finished pots of paint, sheets of plastic (thick and thin), two sets of jump-start leads, empty seed packets (carrot, parsnip, tomato), two broken badminton rackets, a skateboard, bin bags with rollerblades in, two broken bicycles, a real cow bell on a leather strap (my manager Claudine nicked it from a poor cow in the Pyrinees who is still probably wandering around lost to this day), rat droppings aplenty, plant pots and lots of bright green plastic containers with spray nozzles and torn-off coloured labels which could be insecticide, fungicide, leaf-shine, fertilizer, sky-perfume, magic rinse, daisy-dinkums, sonic weep, fizz-blattle, good happenings squirt or calming foot lotion.
All or none of those things.
Love the drawing! I like the slippers, toothless mouth, creature in the apron and barbed wire particularly!
Your shed sounds like a nightmare. Have you tried a thing called freecycle? I had an unopened computer desk and chair for about two years and suddenly decided to get rid of it. I could not be bothered with ebay and freecycle occured to me. I get a regular bulletin and it was worth joining for that alone-fascinating! I have not tried to get anything from it yet, I am waiting for that perfect piece of crap to come up! People do list broken things sometimes though-if there is a chance someone else could repair it.
Nice one - good apron.
Do you use a graphics tablet?
Hi Sarah- yes, I have joined Freecycle and am now the proud owner of 30 twelve-inch singles from a guy who was getting rid of 400 albums! I''m sorting out the shed to make space to move McDad's home-made workbench, thinking a Scout Troop or brownie-posse might make use of it. In the course of all that, this morning I have found two fish tanks which I also hope to Freecycle!
Hello Chimesey! I don't know what a graphics tablet is- something to take to improve the imagination perhaps? I have been drawing these in my lyrics-book which has now turned into a drawing book by accident. I know I should probably take better care of my drawings than to leave them kicking about the floor and I'll have to get one of those plastic-page things in the week.
Sorry Chimesey, didn't mean to be facetious about graphics tablets! Wat are they? COuld they make my life easier?
A graphics tablet is, essentially, a computerised pen and pad.
You use them with photoshop or Artrage or some such software programme to actually 'draw', same as in real life...
Plus points;
1. Clean
2. Immediacy - just plug in and, go.
3. Ease. Can fill in whole areas instantly, using fill tools..
4. Once used to it, the pen is able to reflect variations in pressure - and therefore similarly reflect one's nuances, same as a pencil/charcoal etc...
1. Clean - no tangible feeling of particle upon fabric...
2. Limited to being where your computer is - not portable.
3. Feel like it's cheating... maybe that's just me...
Oh that's ok then! Thanks Chimesey. I can't use any extra software on this computer because I installed Logic Audio on it ages ago, which I haven't used, and it's taken up so much memory I can't fit anything else on it. So it's analogue drawing for me for the rest of time!
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