I spent yesterday evening copying discs for the Song Club, fifteen in all, while simultaneously trying to practice exotic fingerpicking. I would praise my own multi-tasking, but in reality, both activities took just as long as they would have done if I had not been doing the other.
This morning, I took the bag of CDs down to the school, each one named in case of Fighting. And each sibling had one, too, in case of Fighting.
I can remember the first line of Christmas Queen but not any of the others. This is not because I'm hopeless at remembering lyrics, which I am, but because before I do that gig I have to do one-to-one tutorials with more than 40 students and then record at least three sets of students' songs at the Songlab, which is shortly to be abolished, much to my distress. That's going to be what's known as a 'busy day' but I will be a good listener in those tutorials because if I speak too much I won't be able to sing in the evening.
Note to self: Friar's Balsam in bag for emergency snorting if necessary.
Yesterday evening I also did a drawing for Martin, possibly for The Daintees to use as a poster. I liked that, as I hardly get to draw at all these days apart from doodles at meetings at work.
I hope you like the pics- the rocking zebra from Asprey's (I want one, I want one!) and the nice notice from Foyle's bookshop, an indicator of the predilections of its more nerdy customers.
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