I found this photo of Tom that I took on my phone when we were recording Autumn Love. My phone keeps crashing and they are sending another one so I've had to delete everything in case someone steals my identity: my contacts, my friends, my songs (can't be bothered to delete them, as I'd have to do it one by one and bluetoothing them on to my computer from my kaput phone took an hour yesterday).
Wonder how he's getting on? I've had to learn Garageband because Tom's not here any more, which I suppose is good, except I finish songs before they are ready; all the harmonies, all the bits and pieces that I used to savour doing at the very very end, are now there from the beginning except not sounding polished and clear. I hope I don't end up like Brian Eno, creating complex mush with too many layers and no tune, a foggy day for the ears. That's why I love dub reggae, because you can hear all the parts as well as the whole. Tom became sh*t hot after a spell working on hip-hop; those guys gave him a really hard time and blamed him if they made a mistake. But their demands showed him how to be a really good soundsmith and I felt the benefit of that when he recorded and mixed my tracks.
Tom's only wearing earphones cos' he's fed-up with the constant abuse, swearing, criticism, bad language, complaints, threats, selfishness, and comments that you've been giving him?
See that empty,dirty cup in the background. That's the one sign, the dead giveaway that Helen M. Was once in this very same room!
"GARAGEBAND" The clash's first LP contained a track called "GARAGELAND" is there a connection?
Dear Helen, where will you go shopping when you move house?
Sainsburys, Waitrose, Tesco, Budgen, Lidl, The corner shop, or somewhere else?
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