Saturday, August 14, 2021

Studio Report

We had concentratedly busy day yesterday: we started with Ian putting drums on the three tracks we recorded at the last session. Ian has a huge repertoire of colours in his palette, more than a non-drummer can possibly imagine, and has an ability to speak to the music that is already there with what he plays. This could be because he writes songs himself, or it could simply be because he is an exceptional musician.

We then recorded the guitars and vocals for the next three songs, and believe it or not, the drums too. It was intense work, but such a pleasure. It's almost like there is no wastage. Yes we chat in tea breaks, but once we are in there we graft like there's no tomorrow. This is so different to working at home alone as I have been; it took a couple of hours this time before I felt socialised, but between us we have a working groove that feels really natural once it gets going. On Monday, Jon will record his bass guitar and we will listen for backing vocals spaces, record better vocal takes if necessary, and maybe even do some rough mixes.

On the way back, I just missed every train ,which would have been irritating if I hadn't been so tired. On my journeys I have been reading a book on recording: there's dedication for you.

Lovely to hear from my friend Daniel Coston in North Carolina!

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