Thursday, July 20, 2023

Looking and Talking

Yesterday evening, I went to the final year show of the niche art college Turps Banana, which is based on a floor of the Aylesbury Estate in Southwark. East Street Market was packing up, which was a show in itself, and made for a really enjoyable stroll through to the show.
Charlotte Worthington has progressed from being a documentary film maker to a fine artist, and a Fine Artist. Since being at Turps Banana, she has moved through gigantic drawings and paintings (the loud voice of an introvert!), to gorgeous, colourful autobiographical paintings on silk, and now to sinister woven tapestries that hang from the ceiling in a brooding and threatening manner. The work-womanship is fabulous, and I could imagine these pieces hanging as sort of 'consciences' in all kinds of different contexts. 
One of the great things about getting older is seeing what your contemporaries pull out of the bag. I've know Charlotte since we were both teenagers in Brighton, and witnessed her evolution from young revolutionary film-maker to mother, carer, lecturer and now artist. How wonderful not to give up, and to keep being a person of ideas at one's core throughout everything that life throws at you: and to remain glamorous and forward thinking to boot. My Champagne Friend was also there, who also keeps learning, evolving, participating in life. I feel honoured to be part of this generation. 
Well today, I was talking about my own practice that ricochets between art and music as so many of us do. This was for the private music college ACM, who had a research day at the Royal Society of Arts. It was challenging because I've been at arms length from education for months, but there were some great conversations and I hope to be able to support some of the emerging research that I heard of this morning. I'm relaxing at home before more art this evening. More on that tomorrow!

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