Monday, May 08, 2023


Thank you to Stuart and the Young 'Un for their patience and skill in hanging the framed portraits in the gallery in April. They were calm, knowledgeable and humorous: just who I needed at the time. I'd been told that I couldn't drill into the brickwork and put in screws.

'Right, the first thing we need to do is to drill into the brickwork and put in some screws', said Stuart.

There was no arguing with a man with a laser, a drill and a tape measure. Lightning quick, the job was done, and the walls were covered with my drawings. They'd even picked the lot up from the Community Centre, a task that had seemed impossible to me and my foldy trolley from Robert Dyas.

All hail handymen, and everyone else who helps us out when we need them. The Young Un's a talented artist, too.

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