What a lovely sunny day! Last night after an accidental spill of huge quantities of melted red crayon wax (art project of Offsprog-1) on my best rug from Ikea bought two weeks ago to stop the house looking so shabby, I cried. But this morning, I set to work with the iron and a roll of paper towels and managed to make it 75% paler. I'll do the same this evening and then try some stain remover. Martin had made a lovely ambient version of Once in a Blue Moon which he emailed to cheer me up (bless!) and everything doesn't look so bad this morning. I sent him picture number 5, which is here, and I am spending the day organising things. We have booked a gig together at the Perseverance in June- it's such a nice little venue (come to that one Chimesey if you're feeling jaded!).
I took Offsprog-1 to Brighton on Monday for an interview at the Art College, crawling round the M25 at 10 mph in the slashing rain and buffeting wind and only just getting there in time. While she was enduring the searching questions, I plundered the junk shops and came back wit two vases, one hideous and the other twee, and a peach silk robe which I have tried in vain to rinse the 'vintage' smell out of this morning. It is still a beauty, guaranteed to bestow glamour on the plainest of models, and I shall be wearing it on my ugly days to swan about the house with a pretzel and a glass of Schloer.
Hey-ho, coffee time and then perhaps I'll mow the lawn although it's looking so pretty with its coating of apple blossom petals I might just leave it for another couple of days.
P.s. I've written a jazz song about dinosaurs
1 comment:
Oh no! Brighton sounds like fun though-when will she hear?
I love your drawings so far-Martin must be pleased!
thanks for the hand advice and nice comments about Titania too-I shall definitely try that if I ever get time to make another one!
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