Mostly time; an hour calculating rooms, equipment, dates, and technical assistance, lost by the computer at work as I tried to save it; three hours in traffic to travel 20 miles (although I did see two mad horsemen of the apocalypse charging through the traffic in racing carts with massive wheels, bellowing with horse-carriage road rage, with the most beautifully-shaped black'n'white horses I've ever seen), but most sadly, all the photos off my phone, including those of A Smile and a Ribbon, Temperatures, Katy Carr and Sharon Lewis, Martin Stephenson, and lots of other pics of friends and quirky things like some grated cheese that fell into a cup of tea and melted in the bottom of it.
Oh lost things, lost things!
I did find something today though- my friend Saffie Ashtiany who I had not seen for about eleven years. She is making a film about ordinary people in Iran, and has also pulled off a minor miracle by looking ten years younger than she did the last time I saw her, even though she is ten years older! She made a really excellent video for King Kurt in the 1980s that was a homage to Busby Berkeley, amongst many other things.
Her father used to make films based on Persian folk tales, which the Ayatollahs found politically disturbing; but so did the Shah. Too many uncomfortable truths for the powerful in ordinary people's stories, and he ended up in exile in Paris.
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