Monday, June 05, 2006

Singing to a Zebra

This is one of these things you do, to make yourself do something else. If I write on this blog that I am going to have a photo taken of myself, wearing a zebra-striped dress, playing my guitar sitting next to a reclining zebra on a lawn and singing to it, then I'll do it (although I haven't phoned the Mad Professor yet, but all in good time when...). Yes- the Ears people who have been choosing my CD tracks are making up their minds. I was following one of them the other day in a car and passing an Asian Restaurant. 'Shit!' I thought, 'I have stolen one of my melodies from an Asian tune without realising it!'. Then I realised he was playing the tracks in his car as he drove along. Scary moment...
This morning, I sent my manuscript to the publisher. It was about 15 cm thick and still hasn't got the photos yet but I'll do that this week. Some cheeky rotter wrote to me pretending to be a woman called Violet or something and asked for my memories of Brighton as they are writing some sort of raunchy novel or other. Well, those raunchy memories are mine and may materialise at some point, even on this blog perhaps maybe not likely. You know what I mean though. What a nerve. I may not be able to spell but I'm clever enough to spot a fast one being pulled.
Put a new drawing on myspace this morning to illustrate the Songbird Remix
I have asked Jamie to teach me how to scream and he has said yes. Hands over your ears, everybody!
(not hand over your ears).

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