Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I think it went OK

Oh... their DAT player was broken but I brought my own and I had to do the show backwards with the music first and the interview afterwards but I think it went well-the band were really relaxed and we actually had a laugh between things. Of course every time we went back on air I forgot the funny quips that I'd thought of in between. And Nadya has given me a fantastic fake leopardskin jacket and I look like the bees knees in it. (or the leopard's knees- just YOU try spellin lepperddd after half a gallon of wine!!!). Tried out loads of guitars in rare and vintage beforehand, thinking of buying a vintage acoustic but then change my mind and want to be a rockabilly. Which way will the wind blow? Who knows, but Johnny cock crow. Who writes fake nursery rhymes? I do, all o' de times.

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