For years I've had a bowl on the side that's gradually filled up with old keys, expired cards, paperclips, safety pins, broken badges and things like that. Yesterday's project was to empty it and clear the space for... more of the same, possibly.
I tipped it all on to the kitchen worktop and started sorting through it all. Lots of it was easy to throw away or redistribute into a 'things' drawer.
I am left now with a pile of 'I don't know what it is' things. A tiny, tiny block of green stuff wrapped in cellophane that looks like it could be modelling clay, but it's rock hard; a shaped hard black plastic thing that looks like a lid, but isn't; a broken white plastic thing that looks like it was due to be used to mend something, but I can't remember what; a tiny grey plastic thing with '3' etched on to it and a brass screw embedded into it; a little plug about one centimetre long, that looks as though it was designed to hold something together; a small flat black plastic spanner that looks as though it might break soon; and a small plastic device with a brush at each end.
I'm at a loss as to whether to bin them or not. I can imagine in the future coming across something that's missing a vital part, and one of the Dontknowwhatitizzes is the vital part that it needs- but I threw it away.
This is obviously why I put them in the bowl all those years ago. I was afraid to throw them away. Today, I will be brave. At some point in the future, I may live to regret this, but it's quite interesting to be able to see the bottom of the bowl.
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