Tuesday, October 06, 2020

For Brian Blaney

Brian Blaney was the drummer for Asbo Derek. He died at the weekend, which has made us all very sad. Johny Brown will be dedicating a Bad Punk show on Resonance FM to him on Friday evening, where friends will read his stories. I wrote this about Brian. I don't think it will be part of the show, but here it is:

Resplendent in his zip-up jacket
Brian sure knows how to hack it.
Sees a drum and has to whack it
Three cheers for Brian Blaney!

Silly stories off the page
Shouting from the back of stage
'GET ON WI' IT!' in purple rage
Three cheers for Brian Blaney!

Patient as they crimp his hair
(honestly, I wouldn't dare)
He sits so quiet and doesn't swear
Three cheers for Brian Blaney!

Legends, they are very rare
There's no-one like you anywhere,
Brian, you are right up there.
Three cheers for Brian Blaney!

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