Wednesday, June 04, 2014


I'm not posting much at the moment; I have been very busy. It's the time of year when academics can be seen poring over their computers inputting scores of student grades. We've all got stiff necks and RSI, and squinty eyes too.
I have just written a short article for Songwriter Magazine (which will be put online some time soon) and written my top ten fave albums for the Greenfield Cygnus blog. I have also done a drawing for Martin's songwriting weekend. It's all go; the Premises weekend is coming up soon (still some places left on that one) with the final day of that one being a recording day.
I have started reading Viv Albertine's book, which is a stonkingly good read. I have read almost half of it and I only got hold of it yesterday at the launch, which she herself had to miss, unfortunately. It was very well attended; Gina, Ana and Shirley from the Raincoats, Terry from Feral Five, Tessa Slit DJ-ing (fantastic music: someone give her a radio show!), Don Letts, Steve Beresford, and that's just one glance round the room.
I had to come home early because I was tired. That's what happens when you're busy.

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