Rowen came with me to Hackney last night- a swerving journey through the north east London suburbs in the rain. She had to be patient; I always get lost but factor that into the stress ratings of the journey.
What a sweet place- it was a bit like a boat- double-decker windows and a semi-glass roof to watch the rain through, and a relaxed atmosphere, a long thin room with battered armchairs. There was almost a youth club feel to the venue! The promoter, Nev, was really well-organised and good-natured and did a couple of songs himself at the beginning. There were loads of acts- first (and best, I think although the last duo were quite good too) was Chris Davis, who was a good guitarist with interesting song lyrics and rhythms. There was one I didn't like and I usually refrain from dissing (funky-baby) other musicians here but I minded this guy. It was the final lyric in his over-graphic song about sex where he faded out on his 'pumping shadow'- my ears begged for mercy, but there was no escape!
Overall though it was an interesting mixture of songwriters, with a piano-player, which is unusual. I enjoyed playing there, and although I was tired after work, the mistake-to-success ratio wasn't too bad. Couple of strong coffees and I can do it!
The picture is from an old American how-to-paint book; I have just put an old demo, 'The Properties of Chalk and Sun', on to Myspace. I think I'll finish it; it was inspired by Ben Cummin's Properties of Chalk and Sun Project (see He wrote a nice bass line to it (not on this demo). I might finish it properly this year.
1 comment:
Brilliant picture! And thank you for the lovely Osmond transfers, a very nice treat!
Claire x
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