Monday, September 01, 2008

Boring Posting: do not read unless absolutely necessary

It's been a hectic weekend, with gigs in Glasgow and Edinburgh and a visit to the McParents. Glasgow was great, at the Accies club in Jordanhill, a proper family night with lots of teenagers and a good-humored audience including a trio from the Songwriting weekend. Edinburgh, at the Village, was quieter, but Tom Fairnie was there with his partner and it was nice to see him again.
On Wednesday this week, Katy Carr, Sharon Lewis, Charlotte Grieg and myself are playing at the Edinburgh Cellars in Newington Green Road, not far from the Angel. The gig is free to get in and should be pretty damn fabulous as I have seen or heard all of them play and they are all excellent. The gig will be recorded and posted on the web at www. musicborn. com
This is a bit of a boring posting, I'm afraid, due to the fact that I'm tired and trying to clear a path through the papers spread over the floor before I have to go back to work- car insurance, tax forms, essay marking and all sorts of other things that will land me in deep merde if I don't do 'em.


ANTHONY said...

Put you unwanted post in a bin liner and burn it!
Once a punk-always a punk!!!

Monty X

ANTHONY said...

Dear Helen have you ever had HAGGIS
Now according to our local "scot" haggis is made from the "insides" of a sheep-how could you eat the manufacturer of a "ARMANI" suit

There's a moose-loose-in-the-hoose?

ANTHONY said...

Do away with the Council Tax
Alex Salmond MSP