Monday, August 18, 2008

Why I Ranted

It was because I got to work at the University of the East this morning and dumped in a pile on my desk were:
The wooden babushka Elvis Presley-through-the-ages set;
The plastic Vincent Van Gogh with a replaceable head with/without ear;
The plastic Spice Girls with heads so huge in comparison with their bodies that they tumble over unless supported;
The tin robot Little Bruv gave me;
The Bratz Rock Star Doll, still in its pack;
My bunch of red Valentine roses (now dried)
My postcards
They had left Colourchange-hair Ken in his red suit made from an old sock with holes cut in it (YES!)

But where all the other things had been was a cardboard 2007/08 calendar from a printers, neatly assembled, as a Statement.
Somebody thought I was silly to have those things on my shelf in the office, didn't they?

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