Thursday, July 25, 2024

Weird Vacuum

I'm in a state of weird vacuum after sending off the album tracks yesterday. They have winged their way to Valencia in Spain, which I understand is incredibly and unbearably hot; here, it's cool and rainy. Hooray, say the plants in the back yard. 

I feel like I've forgotten how to socialise, but it's only about ten days ago when hyper-social KISMIF happened. I've temporarily logged out of life: I keep seeing wonderful events being advertised that I have just missed by the skin of my teeth. But I've also been grounded for two weeks by the builder installing a new kitchen in the house, which was creatively designed on a computer that neglected to say that the kitchen would be the size of the standard cupboard door measurements, and not the size indicated by the picture on its screen. Never mind. The old doors were falling off and the white plastic laminate was ballooning off some of them too. 

Upstairs, I've mixed and mixed the album tracks, finished the puppets for the cover, mistress-minded the design, read three crime novels, done loads of drawing, and tidied up a tiny bit. I also spent last Sunday transporting Offsprog One and a whole load of her books and helping to stash them in the loft. 

I think (and hope) the kitchen will be finished tomorrow, and then I'll have to put everything back in the cupboards. After getting rid of three bin-bag-loads of stuff I didn't need, there might be room for microphones and other tech-y things in the new cupboards, because of course the kitchen is also a recording studio. There is no kitchen sink at the moment, so there is no drama. Life is not bland, however. There will be plenty going on next week at Rebellion.

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