Wednesday, June 26, 2024

More Singing And Bits And Pieces

Oh Em Gee, I think I'm almost ready to mix! I have been very tired after a day out yesterday, but that seems to have affected my mindedness (as in 'absent') rather than my voice. I hope that I haven't deleted anything essential.

I did some more singing this morning, replacing some vocals that didn't have the right mood. I have been haunted by comments made about a certain singer that I'm sometimes compared with who was reported to sound like singing a telephone directory, but actually that's what I want! I've de-emoted one of the songs.

Every time I change anything the whole lot gets disrupted, but I do have a trick up my sleeve that I haven't used yet.

Oh, and just a bit of guitarring to add to a song, which I'll probably do tomorrow morning. I've discovered that radical mix decisions are best made just before I go out somewhere so I can't dither; it helps me be decisive. 

I chose a bass guitar take by Winston Blissett yesterday that radicalises the whole pretty song on the last note. 'Should I do this? It might be a bit extreme'. 'Yes', I said. And he did it. Of course it has to be there, extreme.

Some songs are fat and loud, and some are thin and quiet. There are a lot of different ways of saying a lot of different things, innit.

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