Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Sam's Clothes

Here they are! The books have arrived. 

This primary school story book was written by Jennifer Rudd, a scientist at Swansea University. It's a story about sustainability in clothing, written in both Welsh and English, and I was invited to illustrate it last year. What a blissful three months! I sat and drew for three hours a day, thirty illustrations in all, with lots of emails between us to get things absolutely right.

The book totally resonates with my own beliefs and I hope it becomes a fixture in every primary school library. Fingers crossed, we shall do another. It was great to work with Jennifer!


Wilky of St Albans said...

Nom de plume, or should that be nom de pencil, noted. I would have thought your usual styling would have been more kiddie-friendly

Helen McCookerybook said...

Hi Wilky, I needed gravitas for this, and my next project!