Thursday, May 16, 2019


At the beginning of the week, I started to listen to this year's student songs. At this point, I feel like the luckiest person alive. I would make a uselesss A&R person, because the best thing is always the imagination, the ideas. Add musicians who elevate those ideas with spirituality and emotion, and you have magic.
At times, I was moved to tears. It's all knitted in with the idea of clumps of people across the UK who seem to be determined to demonise young people, and trash their futures. The students I am lucky enough to encounter are from many different cultures. Yes, they clash, but not because of that: they clash because ideas make people fizz with energy, and that can happen in many different ways. It can make some people competitive, others anxious, some destructive, until they find their route and their role.
But that energy also creates beauty, emotional honesty, and a sense of communication that far overrides any other form.
The treasure they uncover is not always fully formed, but it always sparkles.
I can't tell you just how crap some parts of my life have been, but this bit of it is amazing.

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