Sunday, November 18, 2018

Women's Brains

What a mega-ginormous surprise! A 'research' study is being promoted by right wing newspapers that has found that women's brains are little pink fluffy things, while those of men are complex shiny hard machines built like cruise missiles.
How extraordinary! What a coincidence that following on from #metoo and Trump's misogyny (supported by Republican women who have sons, apparently), we are being sent back to our sewing and kitchens and Girl Power (thanks, Spice Girls).
What a hoot that Andrew Neil can poke misognistic fun at the extremely talented journalist who has brought down Cambridge Analytica, and not be punished for it by the BBC! What a man! What a journalist!
I spend any idle hour that's not spent coding washing machine programmes or switching the electric kettle on (f*ck it, that's a difficult one!) dreaming up parodies of the way that 'enlightened' men mansplain their feminism to me and other women.
Not me!
That's a male prerogative!

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