Wednesday, April 09, 2014


Hoo-ha! Hoo ha! the printer sings a chain gang song.
I'm printing out interviews to read on the train to Edinburgh.
In a moment of genius, a transatlantic email interview has turned up and actually brought tears to my eyes and warmed my heart beyond words.
I've been trying to get funding for this research and not been able to, so it's all powered by goodwill and that has been delivered in spades; people from behind the scenes have given time and energy to something that I think will be a unique body of research.
Now, I have to edit it all (and one more interview to do) and write the most interesting academic essay I have ever done in my life. It needs to be watertight. The kitchen is piled with books and newspaper cuttings and in the intervals when the dog next door isn't barking hysterically, I'm going to engage my brain and get to it!

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