Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ladies' Work

Rumble, rumble, things happen, things happen..

My friend Debi Withers  has a book coming out in March, Adventures in Kate Bush and Theory  http://www.hammeronpress.net/page2.htm 
I was talking to her about the Trinity in Bristol and remembering a gig The Chefs did there. It was a monstrously huge venue for us, and all the nutty people in Bristol came along. A young chap was trying to push our manager out of the way so he could get to me in the dressing room. Jonathan was a gentle sort of chap, but thankfully strong enough to barricade the door. Later, an African businessman in an extremely smart suit came into the dressing room. 'Don't be afraid little girl', he said to me. He went on to promise me gigs at the Top Rank and other such venues, and to make me a star. All this happened in a thin cloud of ganja, but I tell you, I'm not making it up!

Another friend, Caroline Blase, has had her article for the f-word accepted; it is to be serialised and as soon as I have more news I will write about it.

Tomorrow, I'm going over to Gina's; she will be making a film covering the female musicians from punk to riot grrl and has asked me to help with research. This is something I'm really looking forward to!

There's more, but I'm signing off for today. I've spent the day checking and re-checking student results and inputting them into the computer. Whippersnapper is stable, thankfully. 
I'm kn*ckered!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the mention Helen, I will let you know when I have more info on it. Very excited about the prospect of the Gina Birch project.

