Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Edwardian Household Books and Other Things

The day before yesterday when Nadya and I were browsing in the Cancer Care shop I found two fascinating books, H-J (I think) and W-Z (definitely) of an Edwardian Household Encyclopaedia.
It had blancmange recipes, information about trombones, laundry tips, suitable gas fires for different rooms in the house, lots of pinky-yellowy illustration plates and a set of photographs showing you how to give yourself elaborate Edwardian hairstyles like my ancient granny used to have.
They were £4 each and I couldn't decide which one to get (I only had a fiver) so I went off to think about it.
The shop was closed when I got back yesterday, and the books were gone this morning. Did the man lurking behind us, as I chirruped and admired, buy them?
I will know if I see him out with a lady with elaborate rococo hair curlicues, won't I!

(I have decided to name these pointless observations 'twillings').

Today, I've been at Gina's, mulling over ideas for the film.
On the way there, a snorty sniffer was on the tube; he'd been a disgust-o-sneezer complete with regular paper hanky inspections and he spent the rest of his journey gagging and gurgling like a Dickensian villain. Ugh.
Luckily, a cup of Gina's fab coffee washed away the memory and she showed me her brand new blog,
Things are moving along very positively, I'm pleased to say.
Caught philosophical on the way back, I mused about drawing: the picture is already there, hiding in the paper, and you pull it out with your pencil or pen...
... and music: the song is in the air, blowing about and you catch it and make it into music.
Ideas? they are there between the realities, if you can find them.
Can you tell I didn't get much sleep last night?
I was worried about Whippersnapper. He's back home, with a bald neck (most unbecoming) and a bald leg where they shaved him to put drips in and take blood. Yuk.
What else? Well, maybe Martin and I will go to North Carolina this summer to visit our friend, the ace music photographer Daniel Coston and play some gigs.
I have a handbag full of ideas scribbled on receipts and parking slips to investigate, and tomorrow the Songwriting starts at the University of the West; I'm planning a magical mystery tour for them all next week, and if I told you what it was, you might tell them and spoil the surprise, so I won't.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:46 pm

    Poor Whippersnapper - hope you are giving him lots of tlc (and I'm sorry I admitted on tonight's post that I don't like cats!!)
    ps, the word verification is tubble, I think that goes with your twillings!!
