Tuesday, March 03, 2009

William's 78

William (from 2 postings ago) invited me for tea when he lived in London.
He had an old 78 country record, and he put it on the gramophone.
'Oh a woman is a ..., and a woman is a ...' (I can't remember the exact words)
A whiney man's country voice complained for three minutes and fifty-five seconds, blaming all the ills of the world on 'a woman'.
At the end of the record, the man said, 'Now turn this record over to find out what the woman has to say'.
William turned the record over, and to the same melody, a woman's voice complained; 'Oh a man is a ... and a man is a ...'.
And of course, at the end of the song, the woman advised us, 'Now turn this record over to find out what the man has to say'.
I thought about that record for ages afterwards.
What if you never stopped playing it?

1 comment:

  1. You'd be trapped in a horrible, moany, gender ping-pong hell, but that's just a personal opinion!
