Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Ah, projects, the spice of life!

The University of the East has given me a little development grant to develop a proposal for later this year. I will have to get organised. I will go to buy some coloured card files (I like those) this avo, and then fill them up with papers covered in scrawled ideas and dreams.

The Chefs CD- just you try getting in touch with the BBC! They take ages to get through to on the blower, and then put you through to the wrong department that sends you the wrong form addressed to the wrong person. Very Gormenghast, actually, and freaktastic fun in a dark and negative way.

In the summer, I will put a little web shop here on the blog as I have tons of pantings, drawings, etchings and so on that I should sell- in two fat, bursting black leather-look portfolios concealed behind the curtains. Some of the stuff goes back to when I was 15 and I was a better artist than I am now.

Flowers- I shall spend as much as I can afford on spring flowers to celebrate life and regeneration!

Songs: well, I am writing away as always; the song writing group starts up again next Monday after Katy's exciting visit to Memphis. I write lots of songs, all the time, but only want to put the best on my next album. Hamilton Square is still in the pipeline. we even have artwork for that almost complete. It needs one last burst of energy and it will be finished. Both Martin and myself have had tough winters, but we'll get there.

Looks like I need to take more Suburban Pastoral CDs down to Rough Trade sometime soon as well.

I need to buy ink. I need to draw. I need to fill all the gaps in life with drawing and music!


  1. "Some of the stuff goes back to when I was 15 and I was a better artist than I am now"

    This is interesting, in that a lot of disciplines would, supposedly, improve with age, experience and practice. Presumably you mean that the 'way of looking' and interpreting thoughts and ideas would have a youthful naivety and energy, effervescence even, that's somehow eroded with the passing of time?
    I wonder?
    Do others think this is true?

    Cos I think so. Sigh.

  2. I think when trying to please other people with my drawings instead of just drawing them kicked in, I lost a bit of vitality. People want to piggy-back on art, music or literature that they like, and they can't resist advising and suggesting. Sometimes this feels as though they are overwhelming you with their vision instead of their own; sometimes, they are right.
    I have never been able to tell the difference between good advice and bad advice!
