Thursday, June 22, 2006

Wouldn't it be funny if....

...I had a hit with a song telling people how to program a link in HTML? I've got to do it now, haven't I? It's already a hit on this blog.
Watch this space!


  1. Anonymous8:30 pm

    That's Helen's Tasty Musical Language, then?

  2. Anonymous9:50 pm

    Luv the lyric so here is more:
    'If I were like Desparate Dan,
    then I'd go & slap your man,
    I'd pump 2 rounds into his knees
    & drag you off down to Belize'

    Well.. not really because I luv U both but had to think of a rhyme about S America

  3. Anonymous10:23 pm

    & there is more:
    'If I thought that anyone saw us,
    I would take you to Honduras,
    If I thought you wanted more,
    then we flee to Ecuador'

    Running out of countries can we try Europe?

  4. I actually tried to come up with some witty HTML-related rhymes, but the realised I'm too pissed to make any sense.

    I can tell you, however, that my photo of a weird blue 2.30am cloud was heavily featured on both the lunchtime and evening BBC News today.

    No - honestly - look!
