Thursday, June 22, 2006

Choosing music, and other things

This has been very interesting- only 3 more people to go and the tracks are chosen. There are two clear favourites that everyone has chosen- one of them is completely unlikely. I have never played it live and when I recorded it it seemed impossible to sing in tune and I decided I wasn't the person to sing it, even though it was a passionately felt song, and gave it to Katharine Blake of the Medaeval Babes to sing at Slappers- which she never did, so I asssumed she didn't like it. She has a beautiful deep voice and I thought she might be able to sing it better than me. Then one ore two people have chosen their favourite ones- and this was unexpected, too. One song has definitelywon out as a favourite favourite, and again, that was a surprise as I've only played it live once and almost didn't include it. Then, one of my favourites looks like it's going to be a reject! I'm so glad I did this, if you are reading this and have listened to the stuff for me I am very,very grateful.
I've called up my freind Dubulah from Temple of Sound to play on my Screaming song. I don't think the screaming is screamy enough but I'm going to ask Gina tomorrow as she inspired me to try to scream (how unassertive is that- to ask someone if my screaming is good enough!). And then, to work on the duets! Hoping to meet up with Martin Stephenson soon to learn some Wstern Swing songs too, and trying to arrange a solo tour for the autumn, looking for a good venue for 9th or 10th September in Edinburgh to play as I will be there with work and would prefer to be there for singing!

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