Monday, July 29, 2024

Palmolive at The Dublin Castle, Camden

It was so boiling yesterday that it was tempting to stay home in the cool of the kitchen but Palmolive had asked me if I was going, and because I will be interviewing her at Rebellion on Thursday evening, I thought it would be a really good idea to go along.

Within seconds, she'd dismissed her interviewer, and talked us through just some of her many escapades as a young punk rocker. She's an excellent raconteur, and I realised that I will not have to interview her on Thursday, just top and tail the event. Climbing up high to graffiti inaccessible places, a hilarious interaction with Soo Catwoman, in and out of her relationship with Joe Strummer, she was as tough as young boots. 

All of the iterations of The Raincoats were there, plus Tessa from The Slits, and Shanne from the Nips. I said hello to Chris Plummer. At the end of the talk, the Powerpoint of photos inspired a memory-fest of bygone times for the London punk women, and I slipped away to think about it all. Roll on Rebellion, where I'll not only be interviewing Palmolive but also Paul Eccentric and Pauline Murray. All the 'P's, P-tee-P. I'll be meeting up with Herman de Tollinare and catching up with another few chums. I'm not playing this year, although they have asked me to bring a guitar in case anyone drops out at the Acoustic Stage. Shame it's been too damn hot to learn any of my new songs properly, but another time.

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