Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Mixes and Covers

I have literally spent days twiddling with the mixes, sorting glitches, dodging around Logic Audio's attempts to scupper tracks by losing sections of them during export, etc etc. 

The final mixes are going to be sent off to Tiny Global tonight. I haven't got enough broadband to be able to send them from here, so they are en route to my friend's dad's house in the north-west of England to wing their way from there (all my other pals with broad-broadband are busy today). I had a last-minute go at three of the tracks this morning, and I honestly don't think I can do any better.

So now on to the LP sleeve. I've spent ages folding tiny paper ruffs for these guys today, although they can't wear them until their photo session, because if they lie flat they'll squash them. The jump rings arrived this morning so I was able to attach their limbs, and now I have to find something suitable for their strings. I've chose a font for the titles, asked the guest musicians for self-portraits, and am thinking about what information needs to be on the back of it.

Maybe now I can stop mixing music in my sleep!

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