Monday, June 24, 2024

RCA Postgraduate Show And Making A Video

I am so infuriated by some political issues that I keep starting posts and abandoning them. Keep sane, keep sane...

So I have been twice to the Royal College of Art final show: once on Thursday with my Champagne Friend to see our friend Charlotte Worthington's wonderful textile hangings, and then again yesterday with Gina and her friend Nicole to... see Charlotte Worthington's wonderful textile hangings, and more of the exhibition. Second time around, I took a few photos of my favourite work.

Sandwiched between that was my youngest sibling's birthday party which took three and a half hours to get to, even though it's only about ten miles from here. Oh London, you irritating city!

And also in the sandwich was a rehearsal with Robert for Pop at the Lock, and the spontaneous video we made of Step Into England (last posting). Normally we do a selfie after our rehearsals but we were talking about the ghastly re-emergence of Mr Toad (you know who I mean), and decided to mime to our song instead. It was fun and serious, at the same time.

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