Saturday, June 08, 2024

Con Club, Lewes, Tonight

I'll be heading to Lewes later on to support Rory Macleod in a reprise of a gig that I did with him about 5 years ago. Very sadly Fozzy who originally booked that gig suddenly died a few months ago. He was a thoroughly decent bloke and was respected by everyone in the live music industry who knew him. He was perceptive, too, and I will never forget the conversation that I had with him before the gig last time. Sometimes, the most down-to-earth people can be the most honest and compassionate ones. 

Three cheers for people like Fozzy!

Rory is a vibrant and varied showman and played a great gig last time- we also had a really nice chat before the gig and I'm looking forward to catching up with him.

I'm still in a state of slow recovery from Covid, which I picked up when I went into hospital for a biopsy. It's left me exhausted and with no sense of taste and smell (although I could smell the dusters that went on fire after one of the Offsprogs left a gas ring on yesterday). I managed last Saturday's gig OK, and tonight will be the same- I know I'll just have to sleep a lot tomorrow! I went to bed at nine yesterday and spent my fitful night's 'rest' mixing my album in my head, which was actually quite good fun. I do know the tracks backwards by now, and I'll send a track to Terry Edwards next week for the trumpet part to be played on it. I might even attempt a lead vocal or two on Wednesday.

Anyway, nearly time to get ready...

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