Sunday, June 30, 2024

Album Finished

What a weird feeling. After working hell-for-leather for months and double hell-for-leather last week, I've more or less finished the album. I'm just waiting for a few days to let the mixes settle in, and then will have one last critical listen and do the fades and other little bits and pieces.

Apparently I've recorded too many songs for a vinyl album (there is 49 minutes of music!), so some of them will have to go on an additional CD, but that's OK by me.

I actually played one of the new ones at Scaledown on Friday, Almost There. It seemed to go down quite well. I'd intended to play London because it was the 20th Anniversary, and I reckon I played that at one of my very first solo gigs there 18 years ago. My fingers said 'no', so I played Temptation instead.

Scaledown is such a friendly club. Bettina and James were playing/doing poetry, and Jude did a set. there was a heavy metal chap, and Trombone Poetry. I wonder if he remembered playing a couple of gigs with Helen and the Horns? As always, the audience listened to absolutely every note and every word. Wonderful. 

I had a reminisce with Tim from Transglobal Underground about the Edinburgh Fringe Dr Calamari's Music Hall of the Macabre show we did, with Lester Square and a cast of thousands- well, thirty of us, anyway. I made a new friend, a woman who used to run a rock and roll record shop in Camden. 

Next up, an illustration for Laura Whitfield's poetry zine, and a remix for a Brighton band called Assistant, which I should have done ages ago.

And make the puppets for the album cover!

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