Thursday, January 12, 2023

From Sunday Drawing Club on Wednesday

From yesterday evening's Drawing Club. How lovely to see everyone again! It may seem odd to do a black and white drawing of such a colourful banner but I've been working in colour all week and it was good to have a change.

On another note, I think my blog has been hacked. I got a message two weeks ago saying I'd posted some offensive content (I haven't), and since then the reader stats have shrunk by more than 90%. This is the internet, and the internet gets hacked, doesn't it?

Bloggers and Twitterers often ask for comments to confirm that people are reading what they post, but because I don't have a regular commenting/follower thing going on, I'm not going to do that because I like the idea of this being a drop-in blog, and not a proscriptive daily readership duty! So I'm going to carry on, and see what happens. If it dwindles to zero then I may have to relocate, which is possibly what the hackers want if they are trying to drain Blogger of its energy. Let's see what happens!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I like being a regular commenter! Although it sometimes seems like I'm in a club of one
