Thursday, September 22, 2022


I went for my exit interview yesterday afternoon. Beforehand I felt really ill, but I managed to do it. What I had to say was so damning that the HR person apologised. I apologised too, because it wasn't their personal fault, but I am also aware that by working in an organisation you represent their values. And that's why I left. The wrong things about the organisation I've been working for have been exhausting me for some time, and now I am free.

Afterwards when I go home I experienced a monstrous migraine. I slept for ten hours last night. 

I have an illustration commission in the pipeline, something it is easy to commit to because I believe in the  project. There is also another illustration possibility, a campaign that I've offered to add my skills to.

Meanwhile, I have gigs: an a CD release to come!

1 comment:

  1. well done you for getting through that. Let's hope that what you said will not be dismissed as the rantings of a disgruntled now-departed employee.

    But experience says it will...

    and although that will occasionally be the source of annoyance, remember You Are Out Of It. It is over.
