Sunday, December 12, 2021

A Song Dream

Every so often, life gives me a break and I dream a nice song. Last night, I dreamt I was consoling a very sad singer. He looked  little bit like Cat Stevens, but also a bit like Zack Condon from Beirut. He was playing a very sad song about a friend of his that he was meeting up with, that he'd written because of his mixed feelings: partly happiness to see his friend, and partly sadness because his friend was having a hard time. 

The singer was an empathiser, who was feeling his friend's pain. The song was all about having two hearts, a happy one and a sad one. I keep the music in my head until I got up, then I sang it onto my phone. The friend had an odd name, Miljuda, which I have discovered is Lithuanian. Remembering the name was the hardest bit- and I can only remember the 'punchline' of the song melody, but that's enough.

I have half a mind to write a song every other day in January from all of the fragments of music and lyrics that swish about my house on scraps of paper and phone recordings, but I also have an album to finish, with a benchmark song that sounds exactly the way I want to sound. My feet on the ground and my head in the heavens, that's the sound.

I've been recording and mixing something radically different to that this weekend, but more of that later in the week.

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