Monday, February 08, 2021

Working Full Tilt

I've got loads of things to write about. I wake up in the morning and think 'That's a good idea! I must write that on my blog', but things are very busy round here. I'm doing a lot of lecturing (and preparing for lecturing), reading through and correcting the first proof of She's at the Controls, finishing off some music and a sleeve illustration, the Oh Bondage! Up Yours article is in the work queue with editor's comments, and I've only just recovered from a bout of gastro enteritis that completely knocked me off my feet (ha ha! I may have mentioned that).

It's all a very good distraction from the terrible virus, and actually each thing helps the other- writing helps song writing helps teaching helps writing helps songwriting... and so on. In a lot of ways I feel more energised that I usually do at this time of year. I just have to remember to eat.

The next posting will feel like a break from everything, whenever it appears.

1 comment:

  1. Now you've got me singing Joy Division's 'She's lost Control', but the Grace Jones version.

    Did you catch the Robert Lloyd film on telly on saturday night? He's getting to be a National Treasure. Now Sky Arts has become available on Freeview there's more reason to switch the TV on, and it looks the sort of channel that would screen your film
