Sunday, November 08, 2020

There Be Witches

 On yesterday's walk, through the witches' woods (conifers, yews and soundless leaf mould), there were twisted paths of a new sort of fungus trailing away into the distance: big jumbled clumps of pale-brown saucer-sized discs leading the babes in the woods deeper into the gloom. Where the deciduous trees had lost leaves and let sunlight into the copses, the darkness still pervaded in the scary columnar turns of the evergreens.

A tipped up trunk drew us over, roots scrabbling the still air like devil's horns. A tiny gate had been made, and on the lees-de of two of the surrounding trees, little bad-fairy houses had been constructed,  probably 'drops' for evil spells and incantations.

1 comment:

  1. The walk at South Mymms that I suggested a couple of years ago has some pretty fantastic fairy rings right at the start of the walk. Probably about 15' across. You also get long lines of fungi tracking the route of a fallen and now buried tree. rather lovely
