Friday, August 02, 2019

Rough Sleepers/Homeless People

'Rough Sleepers' are rough wakers too.
They are homeless 24/7, and all too often the concept of 'rough' applies to the person, rather than their environment, in people's heads. 'Homeless People' are people without a home: people like you and me without a home to belong to, whether their roof is the sky or a bed and breakfast.
At the surgery the other day, a well-spoken young woman was making an appointment for her little daughter. Good-naturedly, she described her itinerant lifestyle to the receptionist. It was awful to listen to. She was being moved around the country with a school-aged child because that is what happens to homeless people, regardless of their age, gender or family circumstances.
I, Daniel Blake needs to be prescribed to everyone constantly until we can change this.
It is a national shame, and a personal shame.
I call on B*llocks Johnson to put a sock in his stupid Euro-posturing and protect UK citizens against... the UK government.
Yes that's you, Tories, who have been pursuing this cruelty to fellow humans ever since the Thatcher project came to fruition; and us voters, who haven't done enough to take care of our brothers and sisters.

I scream inside about this all the time.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:04 pm

    I attend CRISIS Aldgate every Tuesday
