Friday, August 23, 2019

Books and Bass

What a stupid thing to decide to do- go into work and collect ten weighty academic books to bring home so I can work this weekend on a hot hot Friday, with the crowds buzzing about like iron filings in one of those make-a beard-with-a-magnet toys.
Sort of stupid: at least I printed out a draft of the book while I was there (double sided, of course).
Up the hill... oh how awful!
Delirious, and heaving the monstrous bag from arm to arm (it was just as heavy for the left arm as it was for the right one) I misheard the tube announcement as Drum'n'Bass (it's Charing Cross), because I've been thinking so hard about music genres and production.
On the flat, I spied a lady with a pushchair and seriously considered asking her for it. Just leave the baby on the pavement!
Heat-induced cruelty: this is not like me at all.
Thinking about Drum'n'Bass though, for some reason, reminded me that I'd played two bass lines on this song because I was worried about it sounding tinny and insubstantial. Thankfully, the producer (the late Terry Newberry), went along with the idea.
Two different sounds: one light and fiddly, one heavy and simple.

1 comment:

  1. you mean Wooly Willy

    Still available, and still good fun. I bought a some for Secret Santas a couple of years back and they went down very well. Lots of childhoods being relived.

    And you can still get sweet cigarettes!
