Monday, June 24, 2019

The Sun

I went into W H Smith's on Saturday to buy some mailing envelopes, and the staff offered me a free copy of The Sun.
I think the look of disgust on my face said it all, but they did ask why not. By the time I got to the third reason, they told me that lots of people had turned down the offer. They thought it was funny just how unpopular the newspaper is- and that's in the right wing Borough of Barnet.
I am looking for reasons to feel heartened but alas, this time I think one of the main reasons behind not wanting the paper might be sheer snobbery: it's just not seen as a middle class paper.
The Daily Mail would do a lot better; it matches the suspicious nastiness of so many suburban Tories. Is that hate speech? I feel desperate at the awful political climate of the moment. Seeing the encampment of homeless people next to the Stratford Centre was mind-numbing.
What I really, really can't understand is that surely the generation who are being so selfish and running down the NHS and welfare system have grandchildren who will potentially need these services during their lifetimes.
Do they really think that the florid inheritances that they hope to pass of to them will survive the economic chaos that is about to ensue?
And frankly, being so short-sighted: do they really think young generation that they have bled dry will be prepared to look after them in their dotage?
When all the kindly people from other parts of the world who populate the care system are sent 'home', would you want someone who you have shown utter contempt for in your forward planning to be responsible for your wellbeing?
I don't normally rant to such an extent but having heard of of my daughter's friends' brothers treated brutally by the police this weekend for the crime of being Black, having heard my close European friend's story of being told to go back to her own country when she was overlooked for promotion, and having heard a European musician's account of having dog poo put through his doors by British neighbours, I can't not directly say what I think.
What do I think? I am European, and always will be.

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