Saturday, April 27, 2019

Catching Up With Trash

Thank you for coming along and giving us such a warm reception last night at at the Cameo in Edinburgh. The film sold out and we had a really interesting panel afterwards, chaired by the documentary film maker Paul Sng, with Hilary from Fast Records giving the Scottish perspective on punk music making. Shouts to Anne Woods' Mum and to Neil Cooper, and also to Morven who did such a brilliant job of organising it.
Today, we caught up with Trash before heading back to London. You wouldn't believe she's a grandmother, would you? Baby Punk Grandmother, I think!

1 comment:

  1. Is that Hilary from the Flowers? Top band. Had a couple of tracks on one of the Earcom samplers. Very good indeed. I've often meant to ask you if you'd ever met her/interviewed her during your research.

    Has anyone ever done the history and cultural significance of the Sampler? I still have a couple of Vaultages, both Earcoms, and the Moonlight Club compilation knocking around somewhere. I spent a long time looking for a Hull sampler which I think was called 'Mrs Wilsons Children' although that might have been an act on it.

    Did you once mention there are contractual reasons you can't do 'Locked Out'? A fine song
